New Stock Available January 2024

The Nootropic Multi Purple: Focus Flow (45 Veg Caps)


*Verbal fluency
*Alertness and Mindfulness

(Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention to the present. This state is described as observing one’s thoughts and feelings without judging them as good or bad.)


Out of stock

Purple – Speak your Truth Stimulating



*Verbal fluency




*Alertness or *Mindfulness

(Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention to the present. This state is described as observing one’s thoughts and feelings without judging them as good or bad.)



Ideally taken for a loading phase of 3 capsules every day for 3 consecutive days, after which it can be taken every second day, every day, or as and when one feels one needs a boost.

Children should do the loading phase using the dosage recommended on the bottle for their specific age.

Each bottle contains 15 adult servings.



Although both Teal and Purple contain the same basic formulation of 24 ingredients, the Purple has additional Acetyl-L-Carnitine. This renders it quite different to the Teal, providing it with a greater energy boost and a “stronger” effect.

Acetyl-L-carnitine is important for heart, brain and muscle function.

It is used by the body to help turn fat into energy.

Studies have shown that Acetyl-L-Carnitine increases mental energy, lowers inflammation, boosts circulation and improves focus.



*Cognitive Enhancement

*Emotional Regulation





*Verbal Fluency

*Flow States







*Liver Detox (all 3 phases!)

*Heart Health (Co Q10)

*Lungs (N-acetylcysteine)

*Immune System (NAC, Zinc, Vit D3, Vit C, Selenium)



Supports calm energy, as well as focus during the day.

Ideal for students, creative people as well as those who need to get a lot done during the day.



*Standalone nootropic which simultaneously enhances the effects of other nootropics.

*This is not a herbal nootropic, nor is it a stimulant based nootropic, rather it is a combination of nutrients to feed your brain. It is made up of “endogenous” compounds, meaning compounds which are naturally found in the body. This in itself makes The Nootropic Multi unique.

*Most natural nootropic complexes are a combination of choline, herbs or mushrooms; and oftentimes have added caffeine. The Nootropic Multi has none of these ingredients. (In our experience, supplemental choline can be triggering to certain individuals.)

*Contains the novel combination of N-acetylcysteine, Agmatine, Glucuronolactone and Folate.



In addition to what is in the multivitamin, it’s important what we’ve left out. We’ve specifically excluded certain nutrients commonly added to multivitamins, as they can be detrimental to some individuals when given in excess:

*No vitamin A or Beta Carotene
*No iron
*No iodine
*No vitamin K
*No calcium
*Low dose B complex

Multivitamin manufacturers would never use 220 mg of zinc (20x the Daily Value) as this would lead to side effects, so why are so many manufacturers adding 20x (or more) of the Daily Value of certain B vitamins? We believe that a low dose B-complex approach is more moderate, and therefore more in alignment with nature.



We’ve heard people say…

– “I feel more awake.”

– “I’m more present.”

– “I feel ‘switched on.’ “

– “My thinking is clearer.”

– “It feel more grounded, more confident.”

– “I find it easier to find my words and express myself.”

– “I feel normal, for the first time.”

– “I have more focus at work.”

– “I’m a lot calmer.”

– “I’ve become friendlier.”

– “I feel more connected, to myself and to others.”

– “I’ve become more creative.”

– “It has a definite spiritual benefit.”

– “I can’t quite put my finger on it, but when I stop using it I feel ‘off’ and when I continue with it I feel right again.”

– “This gets me out of being overwhelmed by my emotions, and from being stuck in the noise in my head.”

– “This is something special.”

Find your Flow: Teal, Purple or Gold

Agmatine is made in the body from an amino acid called Arginine.

Agmatine was the last component required to complete the formulation of The Nootropic Multi. It is the “secret ingredient” which allows all the other ingredients to work together with such great synergy. It is a big part of what sets this nootropic apart from many others.

Agmatine’s value in the field of neuroscience has only recently started to be appreciated. Discovered in 1910 by German biochemist Albrecht Kossel, it took over 100 years for science to realize that Agmatine is most likely a neurotransmitter!

Agmatine affects the release of release of β-endorphins, which are naturally produced opioid-like pain killers in the body. It is possibly through these mechanisms that Agmatine has shown great benefit with regard to pain management, addiction, withdrawal and also depression.

Such astonishing discoveries hold great potential for the field of cognitive enhancement, and we believe will ultimately revolutionize the field entirely.

Agmatine also seems to have the remarkable ability to enhance the effects of other substances it is used with, so further research in this field should prove to be quite fascinating.

Agmatine is just…different. We’ve heard people describe it as “a little bit of magic”, a “brain detox,” and something which “creates a better connection.”

Agmatine is something special. We invite you to try it and feel the difference for yourself.

N-acetylcysteine is the main ingredient in The Nootropic Multi.

It is a modified amino acid which has a myriad of functions in the body. It is used for its beneficial effects on the liver, brain, lungs and even skin.

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) also has an effect on neurotransmitter function. The brain’s most abundant neurotransmitter is Glutamate, which activates areas in the brain known as “NMDA receptors”, causing stimulation of nerve cells. Overactivation of the receptor can lead to anxiety and eventual nerve cell damage. NAC helps to modulate NMDA receptor activity.

NMDA receptors play a possible role in:

*long-term potentiation

(a persistent strengthening of the synapses based on recent patterns of activity.)

*synaptic plasticity

(the ability of synapses to strengthen or weaken over time, in response to increases or decreases in their activity.)

Folate is a naturally occuring form of folic acid. 

Folate affects the metabolism of neurotransmitters and hormones such as serotonin, adrenaline and even estrogen, which have an effect on the way we feel. 

Unfortunately some individuals have a genetic variation called an MTHFR gene mutation, which makes it difficult for them to efficiently use certain forms of folic acid in the body.

The Nootropic Multi addresses this problem by using the active form of folic acid known as L-5-methyltetrahdrofolate.

Other supporting nutrients have been added in order to adress issues of “overmethylation” and “undermethylation”, also related to folic acid metabolism. 

In the body, a large portion of Glucuronolactone is converted into D-Glucuronic acid.

D-Glucuronic acid is involved in liver detoxification pathways, and has an important role to play in the metabolism of estrogen.

Anecdotally, glucuronolactone is believed to increase energy, improve mental alertness, reduce sleepiness, increase focus, lighten the mood and quicken reaction time. We think of it as something that “wakes up the brain.”